MONOLITH is a creative studio committed to developing and co-producing cinematic projects that expand and deepen the representation of diversity on screen. MONOLITH challenges the notion that diversity is a homogeneous entity.

MONOLITH provides methodological, creative, and logistical support throughout the filmmaking process. Particularly in the earliest phases where the studio serves as a practical workspace where ideas are systematically explored, analysed, formalised, evaluated and eventually filmed.

MONOLITH believes in the strength and the role of collaboration to bring stories to the forefront. Based on the specificities of each project, the studio seeks out suitable partners with which to join forces.

In addition to providing support, MONOLITH also invests financially in the early-stages development of chosen cinematic documentaries.

Our approach at MONOLITH is rooted in 7 core principles:

Click arrows above to expand each principle

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Biography: r.

r. is a documentary director and producer who dedicates his practice to the exploration of what makes us who we are. What makes us so unequivocally unique — and yet so eerily similar.

In doing so, r. tends to investigate the intricate process of building one’s identity, whether at the individual level or at the societal level. Through a slow, compassionate, and cinematic approach, r. seeks to uncover the motivations behind individual and communal decisions.

For each documentary, r. weaves the narrative, aesthetics, and sound into a singular tapestry explicitly embodying and conveying the nature of the subject. The aim is always to provide a nuanced, textured, and often contradictory portrait of the subject matter and of the contributors’ personalities.

r. brings a unique perspective, seeing the world through a complex cultural lens; hailing from the Caribbean island of Martinique, he has studied, worked and lived on 4 continents.

His first film déyé do bon dié (behind god’s back), conceived for his MA at the University of the Arts London, has been released in 2023. The experimental short has been showcased at exhibitions and festivals throughout Europe and the Caribbean.

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